Can you use a hunting rangefinder for golf? Our honest guide in 2023

The Short Answer Is Yes.

A high-quality rangefinder is necessary for hunting and golfing. If a hunter wants to measure the distance of a golf course while hunting, then the hunter needs a rangefinder. A rangefinder comes in two different types. A laser rangefinder and an optical rangefinder are available. Both are suitable for their respective purposes.

Rangefinders are used by people today for a variety of tasks. A best-budget golf rangefinder, for instance, can be used for any kind of game. A golf rangefinder is used in golf. Hunting rangefinders are used for hunting, etc. Nowadays, people use different types of rangefinders depending on what they are doing.

How does a Rangefinder work?

how does a golf rangefinder work

Rangefinders are measuring instruments that measure distances precisely. Rangefinders measure the distance between people and a target area. In most cases, hunters, golfers, hikers, and observers use it. While observing wildlife in a forest, adventure teams often use this rangefinder.

How does the hunting laser rangefinder work?

how does the hunting laser rangerfinder work

Because laser rangefinders enable you to locate and lock on to your target, they are the best hunting equipment. Moreover, it has become easier to find and hit your target with its advanced magnification power, yardage, and features. But the benefits don’t end there.

How do golf rangefinders and hunting rangefinders differ?

golf rangefinder vs hunting rangefinder

Golf rangefinders serve the purpose of finding the closest object in the viewfinder. There is a reason for that, as the user points the rangefinder at the flag instead of the trees in the background. In the case of a hunting rangefinder, the goal might be different.

A hunter might need to find an object hidden in a tree stand or a hidden area that isn’t in the viewfinder. Because of this, hunting rangefinders typically cover a wide range of targets. You will have a terrible time using a hunting rangefinder for golf if it looks for the wrong thing.

Is it possible to use a golf rangefinder for hunting?

Golfers should use a hunting rangefinder instead of the reverse. There are certain features that make golf rangefinders work well on the golf course. Best budget golf rangefinder lack features that make them useful for hunting.

When you play golf, you usually have a clear shot to the pin (unless you like to hang out in the woods as I do). Many times, you are hunting in a hidden spot with trees or cover between you and your trophy buck.

As a result, hunting rangefinders let you choose a mode that shows you the target that is farthest away rather than the closest object in your viewfinder. You won’t find this feature on a golf rangefinder. I would recommend picking up a hunting rangefinder that has the nearest object setting if you need a dual-purpose rangefinder.

What are the pros and cons of using a hunting rangefinder on the golf course?

Golf rangefinders are rarely used as hunting rangefinders. However, it does happen occasionally. While golfing on the courses, some people prefer to use hunting rangefinders instead of golf rangefinders. A hunting rangefinder also has some benefits.

  • Compared to other best budget golf rangefinder, hunting rangefinders provide a more precise target. Magnification and yardage are increased with this rangefinder type.
  • Golf rangefinders have a very limited range. Therefore, people switch to hunting rangefinders.
  • Golf rangefinders cannot provide enough yards to focus the long-distance objects. Similarly, a hunting rangefinder can provide a long-range targeting range of 900-1500 yards.
  • Golf is one of the most popular and expensive sports in the world. The accessories for golf are also very expensive. Nevertheless, hunting rangefinders can be found for a low budget and with high accuracy. So people can use a hunting rangefinder both for hunting and for golfing and save money.

Do hunting rangefinders use pinseeker technology?


The Aofar Hunting Laster Rangefinder is a multi-purpose rangefinder with a variety of features. With its pinseeker technology, it can measure distances up to 700 yards with an accuracy of +1/-1.

With its pin seeker technology, it can measure distances up to 700 yards with an accuracy of +1/-1. There are four types of modes on the Aofar laser rangefinder. These include scan, range, speed, and fog.

As well as lifetime customer support, the Aofar Hunting Laser GPS Rangefinder comes with a CR2 battery, carrying pouch, carabiner, cleaning cloth, portable rope, and user manual.

What are the best hunting rangefinders for golf?

Hunting rangefinders are always a great way for hunters to save some money while golfing. Your hunting rangefinder would not be able to do this if you did not choose some specific characteristics. Five things a golf rangefinder should be able to do in hunting-

1. Priority number one

There is a distant target priority on a hunting rangefinder, but it may not have a first target priority. Make sure your hunting rangefinder has both a laser rangefinder and a GPS rangefinder.

2. Measurement of yards

In golf, golf rangefinders must be able to measure yardages between 120 and 1300 yards.

3. An eye-catching display

On a sunny day, one is probably more likely to play golf. Therefore, golf rangefinders should have brighter displays for use in hunting.

4. Dimensions and weight

While choosing a two-in-one rangefinder, you also need to consider the size and weight. Make sure that the size and weight do not affect the results.

5. Reliability

Lastly, make sure that the device provides accurate measurements. Rangefinders are always concerned with accuracy.

What Rangefinder Should I Use for Both Golf and Hunting?

In addition to golf rangefinders, hunting rangefinders can also be used to determine the distance of an object while hunting. Each rangefinder has its own distinct features.

People should keep this in mind before using a single rangefinder best rangefinder for golf and hunting. The following factors should be followed by everyone who wishes to use a best rangefinder for golf and hunting.

  • People should consider distance differences: Firstly, distance differences should be considered. Golf rangefinders are used to target closer objects on the golf course. Rangefinders have an internal function to target and find the nearest objects, such as flagsticks on golf courses. This golf rangefinder ignores distant objects, such as other golfers, trees, and crowds of fans.
  • The display is as follows: You should keep in mind that golf is usually played during the daytime, while hunting usually takes place in the early morning or at dusk. One rangefinder can complete both activities, so people should use high-quality rangefinders for both activities. Hunting and golf rangefinders feature LCD screens.
  • Weatherproof: Using Rangefinder is sometimes necessary in cloudy or rainy weather. You need a rangefinder that is weatherproof if you want to use it both for golf and hunting. A best rangefinder for golf and hunting benefit from having a weatherproof laser rangefinder.

Do hunting rangefinders really work for golf?

Do hunting rangefinder really work for golf

The rangefinder should be able to be used for golf as long as it has a “nearest object” feature. I found that golf-specific rangefinders are able to pick up flags a bit better. Hunting rangefinders are also good, but they are a little slower. In addition, I have noticed a higher number of “missed” readings.

A flagstick is less likely to be picked up than an object in the background. There is a chance you will miss distance even when you have a golf rangefinder, so it’s best to have a general idea of the distance so you can second guess anything that doesn’t add up. Using a hunting rangefinder for golf requires a bit more attention.

The final word from our sports staff

Despite their quality and features, some rangefinders can be used for both hunting and golf. Consideration of a rangefinder’s functionality is paramount when buying one for either purpose. Hunting rangefinders require the right lens, while golf rangefinders need a first-mode target and a strong battery.

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